by Jonah Goldberg
Pressing against an anxious bathtub
I remember the scheming birds
Watching me slip and fall
Then making my way to Target
Shopping there, where no one
Could bear witness to my torture
Every night is torture
Falling asleep in the bathtub
In my dreams I wait for no one
Because they have been eaten by birds
Now I am the final target
How much longer before I fall?
I remember your eyes last fall
A moment away from you was torture
You’d pierced my heart like a target
And joined me in my forlorn bathtub
Where we would imitate the calls of birds
For the pleasure of fooling no one
But now I walk with no one
Worried about the coming of fall
Reminded of you constantly by the birds
Whose every sweet note is torture
I return at night to the bathtub
Wondering what I forgot to buy at Target
I think I should work at Target
Where I can be treated like no one
Help people buy the right bathtub
With little steps so that they don’t fall
The fluorescent store can hold back my torture
The garish red concrete can keep out the birds
I live in fear of the birds
Because they remind me of being your target
We’d play and let go of past torture
Turning my demons into no one
Only you could save me from my fall
But now I’m left in the bathtub
Notes: The sestina is a complex form requiring the author to pick six ending words/phrases and reuse them in a specific order in each stanza:
Sestinas usually end in an additional 'envoi': ACE.
My favorite sestina is one by Elizabeth Bishop.